Sunday Devo -February 12, 2023

James 1:5 NKJV "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him."
Ever run into a situation and did not know what to do? James 1:5 has the answer. Ask for wisdom. Proverbs tells us about the advantages and benefits of gaining wisdom. See verses like: Proverbs 8:11, 13:20, 14:16, 19:18, 29:11 and Ecclesiastes 9:18.
Asking for wisdom is necessary for gaining wisdom. As the verse says “...let him ask of God,…”. Interestingly, the word ‘ask’ comes up about 51 times in the New Testament. Here are some verses about asking: Matt. 7:7-11, Luke 11:5-13, and John 14:13-14.

Here is a memory aid for asking:
A – Answers
S – Supplied [by the]
K – King

This has been an answer to many of my prayers. I would love to hear how asking for wisdom has worked for you.  -Tim
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